Posted: April 25th, 2015

• Completed a research project

•    Completed a research project
•    Presented an oral presentation
•    Reflected on what they learned
•    Identified how they will apply what they have learned

Student Preparation

The Research Report: Current Workplace Issue

1.    Title page
2.    The problem statement
3.    Research questions
4.    Literature review
5.    Data Collection Plan
6.    Results

Develop a questionnaire that is related to the managerial question you have
chosen to investigate.

In Class Activities
Activity 7-1: Presentation and Discussion of research paper
Students will present their paper, highlighting the key ideas. Prepare between 3 and 5 PowerPoint slides to support your presentation.

Each other class member will ask a question/comment

Activity 7-2: Reflection
Students will reflect on the course sharing what they learned and how they will apply what they learned to their career and their life. How will life be different now that they have taken Business Research Methods?

Activity 7-3: Course wrap-up
The instructor will summarize the key points of the class, answer student questions and make suggestions for what is next

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