Posted: September 17th, 2017

(1) Human Resources, (2) Operations, or (3) Facilities perspective. You may select an organization in your own community.

<p>Select a health care organization (local or national, large or small, public or private) and perform a needs assessment/gap analysis. You may utilize your own organization if you are employed in a health care related company. You may approach the Research Project from a (1) Human Resources, (2) Operations, or (3) Facilities perspective. You may select an organization in your own community.<br />1.Human Resources: staffing, training, recruitment, retention, job function redesign, etc. <br />2.Operations: delivery of service/care, access, wait times, equipment usage, process improvements, resource optimization, regulatory compliance, etc. <br />3.Facilities: space planning, construction, redesign, relocation. </p>
<p>The components for the Research Project include the following:<br />I.Title Page </p>
<p>II.Executive Summary (Needs Content Criteria) </p>
<p>III.Description of the organization (history, length in service/operation, how many beds? clients served? location; rural vs. urban, satellite locations,…</p>
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