Posted: March 3rd, 2014

interview transcribe

This is an easy paper. this assignment need i transcribe interview audio record to five pages, single space and word by word. So i need you to be my interviewee to answer my interview questions and write five pages transcribe. the questions are very easy and no right or wrong answers. you can answer whatever you want to say. the transcribe should include all conversations between interviewer and interviewee.


  1. I.                   Introduction

-Thanks for the time for the interview.

-Today’s topic is mainly about products made in USA

-Recording the conversation for academic purpose

-No right or wrong answers. Only your opinion.


  1. II.                Consumer’s general recognition on made in USA
    1. When you hear “made in USA”, what comes to your mind first?

Probe: why? And how is it related to your life?

  1. What does made in USA mean to you? (on an individual perspective)

Probe: Why? Is it significant or just light impression?

  1. To the whole USA economy, how do you view made in USA goods?

Probe: in what terms do you think it might contribute?

  1. What products do you think might be good if made in USA?

Probe: why? Have you ever purchased Made in USA products? What are they? Why them? (transit to next part)


  1. III.             Interviewee’s personal experience
    1. When shopping, what are you seeking from a particular product?

Probe: Package, price, quality, brand, production of origin, etc.

  1. What do you usually do before you shopping?

Probe: did you do any research before you shopping? Or read the ratings or reviews?

  1. What was the most recent product you purchased?

Probe: tell me more about it. How did you pick it? Pleasure or you just want it?

  1. Have you ever bought any other similar products but not made in USA?

Probe: what are they? How do you feel about it? Then how do you compare it to the made in USA ones?

  1. When and where did you usually see made in usa products?

Probe: how did you know them? Ads? Heard from friend? Etc.

  1. IV.             Video reflection, free chat on made in usa

See Chrysler super bowl commercial ad

What do you like or dislike?

  1. V.                Closing

-Thanks again for your time.



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