Posted: January 28th, 2016

A precise statement in a research study that tells exactly how a variable is to be measured: A) statement of correlation B) interpretive statement C) operational definition D) deductive definition

A precise statement in a research study that tells exactly how a variable is to be measured:
A) statement of correlation
B) interpretive statement
C) operational definition
D) deductive definition
the process by which members of a cohesive group arrive at a decision that many of the members individually believe to be unwise.
A) decision diffusion
B) groupthink
C) situational habituation
D) collective irresponsibility
A collection of people who happen to be in the same place at the same time but share little else in common.
A) social group
B) social institution
C) social category
D) aggregate
Solomon Asch s experiments in which subjects judged the length of lines were intended to discover:
A) perceptual differences among people
B) perceptual differences between men and women
C) the degree to which people will repeat boring tasks without complaining
D) the degree to which people will conform to group pressure
Sex is to gender as:
A) ethnicity is to race
B) race is to ethnicity
C) gender is to ethnicity
D) race is to sex
When sociology is said to have arisen in response to two revolutions, what two revolutions are they?
A) the French and American
B) the French and Russian
C) the Russian and Industrial
D) the French and Industrial
A large social grouping that shares the same geographic territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.
A) ethnic group
B) social structure
C) society
D) social institution
A number of people who may have never met one another but share a similar characteristic.
A) reference group
B) aggregate
C) category
D) social group
Alone among the founders of sociology, Max Weber was preoccupied with the issue of:
A) class conflict
B) moral breakdown
C) scientific method
D) rationalization
Fairly minor cultural rules, such as the one that dictates the proper fork to be used for the salad.
A) norms
B) folkways
C) mores
D) values

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