Posted: January 30th, 2016

List signs and symptoms of as common childhood illness as you can think of.

1 Briefly outline the social and emotional development of children from birth to age sixteen and influence that might affect development.
2 How might adults within a school setting encourge pupils to recognise and express their own emotions?What are the possible signsand possible causes of emotional distress?
3 Describe how you might approach building a positive working relationship with an eight year old girl that had special educational needs.
4 When working withing a group of pupils,anticipate what problems might occur amongst them discuss how you might tackle situtations.
5 A teaching assistant may be ecpected to deal with a range of accidents and ailments.Explain how you would deal with:
Signs of distress

6 List signs and symptoms of as common childhood illness as you can think of.
7 How might the teaching assistant help to meet the requietments of the school health,hygiene and medical policies and procedures? What factors may they have to consider whilst carrying out these duties? Research your local authority`s guidelines on administering medication. Breifly outline them. List possible sings of physical,emotional,sexual abuse and neglect,and briefly outline how a teaching assistant may deal with a suspicion or disclosure of abuse.

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