Posted: February 19th, 2016

What was the southern way of life for white southerners the planter and his family, the plain folks, before the Civil War?

What was the southern way of life for white southerners the planter and his family, the plain folks, before the Civil War?
Note the location of the Spanish missions during colonial times. How might they have served a purpose other than religious? Why were forts often found with missions?
It has been said that Americans revolted against tyranny anticipated rather than against tyranny inflicted. Define tyranny as you believe an 18th century American might have, and then assess this point of view.
From the outset, Massachusetts was the leader of the anti British protest studied in this chapter. Why? What was it in the economic, political, and intellectual climate of that colony that mad it such a hotbed of revolution? What part did Puritanism play in shaping this climate?
How did British officials in the colonies carry out, or fail to carry out, their duties, and how did this contribute to the Revolution?
Examine the relative successes and failures of the Articles of Confederation. Do you think that this government was capable of providing the stability that the new nation needed? Why or why not?
Why was education central to the Republican vision of America ?
Why were the Methodists, Baptists, and the Presbyterians so successful on the frontier?

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