Posted: June 4th, 2016

Why did Mexico make such a good proving ground for Wal Mart s foreign expansion strategy?

1. Why did Mexico make such a good proving ground for Wal Mart s foreign expansion strategy?

2. What is the source of Wal Mart s competitive advantage? What barriers did Wal Mart have to overcome in transferring its competencies to Mexico?

3. How did Wal Mart create value in the Mexican market?

4. Despite some early setbacks, Wal Mart has apparently been successful in Mexico. In contrast, some other United States retailers pulled out of the country in the aftermath of the 1994 peso crisis. What do you think distinguishes Wal Mart from those companies?

5. If Wal Mart can succeed in Mexico, it can probably succeed in most other countries. Discuss this statement. Is it correct?

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