Posted: May 16th, 2015

Topic: Work place relationships

POLICY TITLE:                     CODE OF ETHICS








This Code of Ethics is a statement of the ethical principles, values and behaviours expected of staff at Global Star Enterprises (GSE). Values are underlying attitudes that influence decisions and actions within GSE and the following values have been developed over a period of time as a consensus of those involved in GSE business operations.


    • assess our customers’ needs and respond to them
    • improve the quality of our services
    • be an open, welcoming, sharing and accessible service
    • act with honesty and integrity
    • be fair and equitable
    • encourage teamwork and cooperation
    • promote customer based decision making and planning
    • ask ourselves – what is best for our customers?”

The Code of Ethics is intended to assist staff to identify and resolve ethical issues that might arise during their employment. It is designed to guide them in their dealings with colleagues and local, national and international stakeholders. The Code puts forward a set of general principles rather than detailed prescriptions. It stands beside, but does not exclude or replace, the rights and obligations of staff under common law or legislation.


  1. The Code of Ethics is based on three universal ethical principles. These are:


  • Equity and justice


  • People are to be treated fairly – not discriminated against, abused or exploited. Justice is concerned with power sharing and preventing the abuse of power. In a just community all members can access opportunities that allow for their full participation in that community.


  • Respect for people


  • People should be treated as individuals with rights to be honoured and defended. Respect empowers others to claim their rights and to achieve their potential. Respect for the rights of other people is the basis on which individuals become members of a community and accept their social responsibilities to behave with integrity.



  • Personal and Professional Responsibility


  • The principle of taking personal and professional responsibility requires not only that people avoid doing harm to others but that they exhibit courteous behaviour upholding the standards expected of all members of the organisation as part of achieving a common good. In so doing they are expected to protect the rights of others and respect the diversity of cultures and peoples. Those well-positioned enough to assert their rights have a reciprocal duty to exercise care towards those who depend on them for their well-being. This principle involves stewardship of assets, resources and the environment.

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