Posted: February 8th, 2015

Sweetness and Agreeableness

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Write a research paper based on the finding of the article “Sweet Taste Preferences and Experiences Predict Prosocial Inferences, Personalities, and Behaviors”.

A four pages, doubled space paper with 5 references.

***all 5 references should be peer reviewed articles***

General format

-Page numbers top right

-Short header next to page number

-12pt font


1 inch margins all around

0pt spacing after and before paragraphs


Cover page

-Running head


-Author & affiliation




-Title of paper

-Set up the study with a general introduction (question, anecdote, research dilemma)

-Define the variables

-Review Meier et al, 2012’s work and state why a replication is needed.



-Previous relevant studies and/or new studies

-Reporting each article’s finding



-General findings

-What are some ideas for future research?



-Summarize your findings and end the paper


-Proper APA citation of references


*Paper should be written in paragraph format, including the above key questions, rather than Q&A format of the above questions.

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