Posted: September 16th, 2017

660 Week 8 Instructions

660 Week 8 Instructions

Submit a 8 page analysis of the issues that responds to the criteria listed below.
Research is not required. Use only the data presented in the case study itself.
The report is to be double-spaced with 1-inch margins, 10-to-12 point type, posted as rtf or Word document. Use APA format for citations and references. The cover page and list of references are not part of the page count. The report’s organization is indicated below.
Imagine that you are Mr. Shah. Prepare a 8 page presentation to the board of M&M (SA) regarding recommended options.
Your paper should be organized as follows:
Overview of the issues:
Analyze M&M’s (SA) position and prospects within the overall M&M corporate strategy.
Analysis of possible options:
Four managerial options are available:
•    Contract assembly: Collaborate with a local producer to use the latter’s surplus to assemble vehicles in South Africa?
•    Own manufacturing: Set up M&M’s own manufacturing unit?
•    Use South Africa as a hub: Adjust the current business model of importing completely built units (CBUs) from India to expand into the African market by using South Africa as a re-export hub?
•    Wait and Watch?
Your presentation to the board should present the downside and upside of each of the four options based on three criteria: Strategic attractiveness, economic viability, and organizational feasibility. Prognosticate where each of the decisions might bring M&M (SA) by 2015.
Conclusions and Recommendations:
Recommend one of the options to the board and explain your choice.

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