Posted: January 22nd, 2016

The goal of Confucian philosophy in sixteenth century China was to

1. The goal of Confucian philosophy in sixteenth century China was to create
A. Social harmony and stability.
B. A strong domestic economy.
C. A uniform educational system.
D. Disiplined work force.

2. When Ptolemy s Geography was rediscovered the map making profession was
A. Supplied with a set of map proofs.
B. Stimulated to produce more for decorative maps.
C. Legitimized as a profession.
D. Enlarged by the addition of many scholars to its ranks.

3. The response to the early energy crisis in the 17th century was to use coal as a fule and power source. Those who have minded the coal were regarded by the English society as
A. Innovators.
B. Outcasts.
C. Saviors.
D. Desyroyers.

4. The North American slaves were unsuccessful at insurrection against their owners because the slaves
A. Will had been weakened.
B. Activities were closely monitored
C. Spiritual beliefs prevented violence.
D. Numbers were too small.

5. By the end of the 17th century England is believed to have
A. Caused a serious environmental damage to both England and Scotland.
B. Strenghtened england s position as the economic center of Europe.
C. Weakened the role of artistry in production.
D. Facilitated England s later dominance on the seas.

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