Posted: November 10th, 2014

Impact on Your Profession: Country Case Study

This section must analyze the impact of your global trend on your profession, and the responses
of practitioners, as it is practiced in one of the countries on the list provided by your instructor.
The country itself must be as much the focus here as the trend and the profession. Focus on how
the specific context of this country (economic, political, cultural, ethical, and/or historical
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factors) helps to explain the impact of the trend upon your profession in that country. Explain
what people can learn about your country by analyzing your trend and profession in that country.
Depending on your professional field and the country you are examining, Section 3 will present
and support a thesis statement that focuses on:
0 the impact of your global/regional trend on your profession as a whole throughout the
country; or
o the impact of your trend on one specific corporation, industry or organization within your
profession in that country; or
o the impact of your trend on the activities of one significant practitioner of your profession
in that country.
You should conclude Section 3 by projecting into the future and speculating on how the trend in
question might continue to impact your professional area both in the country you’ve addressed
here and beyond. You must also reflect on the possible ramifications this may have for your field
in the years ahead.


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