Posted: February 4th, 2015

Research Design

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Final Project
Topic of the Final Exam: Research Design
Design your research project using appropriate methodologies. Make sure to discuss the limitations of your design. There is no page minimum, but you have to be detailed in each section (in other words, a couple of sentences for the description of each section will not do).

Use APA style writing standards for composition and references. Double-spaced. Use a word processor and be sure to save the paper in Microsoft Word.

Manuscript Preparation: The manuscript shall be typewritten double-spaced with 1″ margins on all four sides. The pages are to be numbered consecutively, beginning with the first page of text. The font for the type should be no larger than 12 point and in Times New Roman font style.

References: Students are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of references.Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Abbreviations, Symbols, Drug Names: Use only standard abbreviations or acronyms. The full term for which an abbreviation or acronym stands should precede its first use in the text unless the abbreviation is a standard unit of measurement. Place the abbreviation or acronym in parentheses after the first mention of the full term. Use generic drug names. Trade names may be inserted in parentheses after first mention of the drug. Product names should be treated similarly; include the manufacturer’s name in parentheses.
************************FORMAT FOR FINAL EXAM / PROJECT*************************
You are to Copy/Paste the text below into a word document and input your answers to each section where it says “Provide your answer here”
Research Design for Health Care

Final Exam

Compile the following in a single word document, properly labeling and providing a separate heading for each section, EXACTLY as it is structured below:
I. Introduction
1. Statement of the problem: The general problem area is stated clearly and unambiguously. The importance and significance of the problem area is discussed. – This is your research topic/query. (This is the original research question, not in hypothesis form). (5 points)


2. Literature citations and review: The literature cited is from reputable and appropriate sources (e.g., professional journals, books and not Time, Newsweek, etc.) and you have a minimum of five references. The literature is condensed in an intelligent fashion with only the most relevant information included. Citations are in the correct format (see APA Style Manual). – Here you will choose 5 articles relevant to your topic and write up a paragraph for each containing the most important information that is useful to your topic. You will combine the information in all articles that you found useful, making sure to write it in essay format and use APA style. (5 points)


3. Statement of hypothesis: The hypothesis (or hypotheses) is clearly stated and is specific about what is predicted. The relationship of the hypothesis to both the problem statement and literature review is readily understood from reading the text. –Also: Identify the Dependent, Independent, and Control variables. Explain why you identify each variable as such. (10 points)


II. Methods
4. Sample section:

Target Population – What is your target population? (5 points)


Sampling procedure specifications: The procedure for selecting units (e.g., subjects, records) for the study is described and is appropriate. The author states which sampling method is used and why. The population and sampling frame are described. (5 points)


Sample description: The sample is described accurately and is appropriate. Problems in contacting and measuring the sample are anticipated. (5 points)


External validity considerations: Generalizability from the sample to the sampling frame and population is considered. – Can the results of your study be generalized to the wider population? Why or why not? (Be very careful with this, and really think of how applicable your research findings can be in other settings.) (5 points)


5. Measurement section (Hint: Read Measurement section in Research Methods Knowledge Base website
Measurement: Operationalization of Variables- How will you measure each variable? What will you use to measure your variables? (For example, if your independent variable is “level of education,” how will you measure a respondent’s level of education? Will you measure it by the “number of school years attended” or “high school graduate” or “college graduate,” etc.?) If you have developed a survey or questionnaire, provide me with a copy. If using other methods, make sure to include a discussion of how you will gather your data and measure the variables. Further details for the Measurement section:
For questionnaires, tests and interviews: questions are clearly worded, specific, appropriate for the population, and follow in a logical fashion. The standards for good questions are followed. For archival data: original data collection procedures are adequately described and indices (i.e., combinations of individual measures) are constructed correctly. For scales (for example, Likert), you must describe briefly which scaling procedure you used and how you implemented it. (10 points)


Qualitative Research: Which qualitative methodologies will you employ?
For qualitative measures, the procedures for collecting the measures are described in detail. (10 points) *** If you do not employ qualitative research in your study, make sure to explain why qualitative research would not be applicable to your study. Be thorough, as this section is worth 10 points.


Reliability and validity: Identify the type of design you are employing (see Research Methods Knowledge Base Week 5 readings). Discuss threats to internal validity. – You must address both the reliability and validity of all of your measures. For reliability, you must specify what estimation procedure(s) you used. For validity, you must explain how you assessed construct validity. The procedures which are used to examine reliability and validity are appropriate for the measures.


III. Design and Procedures section
Design: The design is clearly presented in both notational and text form. The design is appropriate for the problem and addresses the hypothesis. (10 points)


Internal validity: Threats to internal validity and how they are addressed by the design are discussed. Any threats to internal validity which are not well controlled are also considered. (10 points)


Description of procedures: An overview of how the study will be conducted is included. The sequence of events is described and is appropriate to the design. Sufficient information is included so that the essential features of the study could be replicated by a reader. (10 points)


IV. Funding and Data Sources
Provide me with Data Sources and Funding Sources along with submission
guidelines (at least 5 of each). Google some organizations that you feel would be willing to fund your research. They will have a submission guidelines page in their website for potential research grants. Summarize their guidelines. (5 points)


V. References

Provide list of references in APA style. (5 points)


Hoover, Kenneth and Todd Donovan. (2003). The Elements of Social Scientific Thinking
Trochim, William M. (2002). Research Methods Knowledge Base.
Cornell University. This manual can be found at:

Week 5 discussion (just so you have an idea of the discussion from the book):

For each of the following hypothesis, define the target population, screening criteria (sampling frame), and a method of sampling.

Stress causes flare-ups of rheumatoid arthritis
Target: Those with rheumatoid arthritis
Sampling frame: One or more general practitioner’s list of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Method: Stratified random sampling based on income sub groups
Children who have a parent with them while they are undergoing dental treatment are less likely to be distressed
Target: Children and parents who visit the dentist
Sampling frame: Compliant dentist office and parents/children
Method: Systematic random sampling. Apply a random number to each possible sample starting at 1. Select a number 1-5 to start at, and select every N/n th number (total number on the list/ total number for the sample)
Mandatory seat belt laws increase the use of seatbelts
Target: Automobile drivers
Sampling frame: Those with current drivers licenses by state
Area sampling of a few counties in a few states, then randomly sample the counties and use all the results to generalize.


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