Posted: September 13th, 2017

Topic: Literacies for English Language Learners

Assessment Package

General Description

Assessment items are designed to build your professional knowledge about literacy for English language learners through deep investigation of an aspect of second

language literacy education of interest to you.

Assessment descriptions

Assignment : Project applied ( please select what is highlighted in yellow and for aspect of literacy choose any )

You are to undertake a project in an area of second language literacy of your choice. You may focus on
•    any ‘category’ of learner
o    ESL, EAL, EFL, ESD, bilingual or other
o    immigrant, refugee, minority, international student, foreign language learner, global language learner
•    any context (e.g., families, communities, young children, school-aged children, post-compulsory, adult, mainstream classes, dedicated L2 using and learning

•    any aspect of literacy development, pedagogy or curriculum. Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following. In addressing a topic you may

consider development, pedagogy and/or curriculum.
•    accommodating L2 learners in mainstream curriculum and pedagogy
•    spelling
•    learning to read and/or write in a different writing system
•    learning to read and/or write in a different orthography
•    comprehension instruction – comprehension strategies
•    comprehension instruction – dialogic approaches to comprehension
•    comprehension instruction – expository structures or grammar
•    fluency
•    home-school links for bilingual or multilingual children
•    phonological awareness
•    phonemic awareness
•    phonics
•    content area literacy or curriculum literacies
•    word recognition and word identification
•    dictionary use
•    critical literacy
•    handwriting
•    reading aloud
•    textbooks or curriculum packages
•    growing up in bilingual families
•    programs for low literate refugees
•    teaching literature – poetry, fiction
•    vocabulary
•    writing instruction

you will include:
•    Title – Using no more than 20 words, convey the gist of your project.
•    The problem or question – What is the issue that is at the heart of your project? (Why does your project matter?)
•    Background to the problem – What is the context in which the problem arose? How did it arise? Why does it matter?
•    Review of relevant literature – Provide a map of the field. What topics have been studied? Who studied them? What did they find? What gaps are there in our

knowledge? What solutions does the literature suggest for you?

Criteria Sheet
Unit Outcome    Work provides evidence of the following as relevant to chosen topic and assignment option.    7
HD … at an exemplary standard    6
Distinction … at an enhanced standard    5
Credit … at an advanced standard    4
Pass … at a minimum requirement standard    3 & 2 Fail …. Limited evidence / not meeting minimum requirements
1.    Knowledge of the literate practices of multilingual persons
2.    Knowledge of multilinguals’ literacy development    •    Background to the problem

3.    Formulate positions on the historical and contemporary trends in English literacy education    •    Coherent review of literature demonstrating knowledge

of key works, including understanding of theoretical perspectives.
4.    Apply theories of second language literacy to problems of curriculum, pedagogy or assessment    •    Problem of curriculum, pedagogy or assessment

•    Application of theories and empirical findings from the literature to the problem.
Professional and academic literacy    •    Clear title
•    Compliance with publication guidelines issued by forum for which work is prepared

•    Academic and professional English language literacy, including the following where relevant:
o    Coherent, well-structured and clear prose
o    Clear dot-point notes
o    Proof-reading
o    Spelling
o    Grammar and punctuation
o    Vocabulary – general
o    Professional language
o    Questioning skills
o    Clarity of description and explanation
o    Clear page design
Please attach this sheet to your assessment pieces


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