Posted: September 13th, 2017


Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



I want a research about the topic (UK FINANCIAL YEAR) as it says in the coursework instructions .
I am studying accounting and finance year 2 in the UK so this is my area of study can be include in the research.

the references have to in Harvard way

I will be in contact with the writer to add more

                                          (Assignment2 )



Individual Proposal


  • You are required to undertake an individual research proposal for assignment 2. This proposal will be based upon a topic of academic interest to you and MUST be associated with your named award!


  • This will form the basis of a Research proposal for the dissertation at Level VI, following the research indicators presented within the Research Skills module.


  • Choose a topic you are interested in or related to an area for which you are likely to be seeking employment.



  • If you want to undertake a developmental project, you must ensure that it is an appropriate and manageable project before beginning the proposal.





The Individual Research Proposal is undertaken in 2 stages:


  1. Individual Research Proposal – This project is a Proposal for the work you intend to do for your final dissertation at Level 6 (Weighted at 70%)




The research Proposal must contain the following elements:



  1. Short Background (Introduction) (500 words approx.)


This should include a background to the topic area and explanation of why this research is worthwhile.



  1. Literature Review (1,000 words approx.)


You are required to demonstrate knowledge of existing literature (other research) in the area and how your work would fit into this literature. You should show a clear link between previous work that has been done and the intended area of research. This shows the key literature sources upon which you intend to build your own ideas. The Harvard referencing system must be adhered to in this section.



  1. Aim and Objectives


As a result of the background section you should have clear aim/s (research questions) and objectives (specifically identifying what is to be studied in order to answer the aims). The Aim and associated Objectives should be written in a clear and unambiguous manner.


The aim of this project is………………….


Specific objectives are:


To investigate………….

To analyse……….

To critically assess………


Each objective should indicate an associated method e.g. primary and / or secondary.


  1. Methodology (500 words approx.)


The Methodology is the story of strategies used and tasks performed in order to collect data for the research. It should indicate the why, where, when etc. of this process. It should therefore….


Detail exactly how the research objectives will be achieved. It should detail at least the following:


  • A description of the research setting e.g. the proposed organisation – providing a rationale for the setting.
  • A description of proposed participants – providing a rationale for the choice of participants and sampling methods, in addition to access and ethical issues.
  • A description of the proposed data collection
  • The research procedure – including time taken to undertake measures with brief detail of the proposed data analysis techniques.
  • If you are proposing more than one research stage – e.g. interviews followed by a questionnaire, the information indicated above should be presented separately for each stage.


  1. Time-scale (e.g. via Gantt chart)


  • You should divide the research up into key stages and indicate the proposed dates for start and completion of these stages.


  • Keep in mind that there is limited time to conduct research so should ensure that you have left sufficient time for the write-up.
  • You will typically begin your dissertation in September of your final year, when you have been allocated a supervisor.


  • You will then work individually throughout the year, maintaining staged meetings with supervisors but there is a 6 week front-end workshop in which you will have your proposals reviewed and be given an opportunity to refresh your memories about issues discussed in Research Skills sessions at Level II.


  • The dissertation hand-in is typically in mid April and you must ensure that you allow sufficient time for writing up, proof reading and binding before submission.




  1. References


  • You should include all literature that has been referred to in the research proposal using the Harvard Referencing System.


  • Details of this procedure will be discussed in the module and reference can be made to the University web-site for an indication of appropriate referencing strategies using the Harvard system and reference to the University policy on plagiarism and unfair


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