Posted: September 16th, 2017

performance management plan

performance management plan

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this is the journal article you have to read:

Gruman, Jamie A. and Alan M. Saks (2011) “Performance management and employee engagement.”
Human Resource Management Review. (21)2: 123-136.

Using Gruman and Sak’s engagement through performance management framework, devise an operational Performance management plan.
Gruman and Saks (2011) suggest that “producing performance increments may be best achieved by orienting the performance management system to promote employee engagement.” Select a job (or class of jobs) at an organisation with which you are familiar, and using Gruman and Saks’s framework for engagement through performance management, design a complete performance management system for that job.
Your system should be legal, be grounded in proven HRM theory (such as equity theory, distributive and procedural justice, the psychological contract, and motivational theories), and be easily operationalised in contemporary organisations.
You may use diagrams and models to indicate processes and relationships.

Performance management and employee engagement
Jamie A. Gruman a,?, Alan M. Saks b,1
a School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, and Department of Business, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1
b Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, University of Toronto, 121 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2E8
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Many contemporary organizations are placing a greater emphasis on their performance
management systems as a means of generating higher levels of job performance. We suggest
that producing performance increments may be best achieved by orienting the performance
management system to promote employee engagement. To this end, we describe a new
approach to the performance management process that includes employee engagement and
the key drivers of employee engagement at each stage. We present a model of engagement
management that incorporates the main ideas of the paper and suggests a new perspective for
thinking about how to foster and manage employee engagement to achieve high levels of job
© 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Performance management
Employee engagement
Talent management
Working conditions
1. Performance management and employee engagement
Performance management is a critical aspect of organizational effectiveness (Cardy, 2004). Because it is the key process
through which work is accomplished, it is considered the “Achilles Heel” of managing human capital (Pulakos, 2009) and should
therefore be a top priority of managers (Lawler, 2008). However, less than a third of employees believe that their company’s
performance management process assists them in improving their performance, and performance management regularly ranks
among the lowest topics in employee satisfaction surveys (Pulakos, 2009).
Contemporary challenges facing organizations have led many of them to refocus attention on their performance management
systems (Buchner, 2007) and explore ways to improve employee performance. In this paper, we argue that one important way to
enhance the performance management process is to focus on fostering employee engagement as a driver of increased
performance. To this end, we present a conceptually-grounded approach to the development of employee engagement and discuss
elements of the performance management process that can promote its occurrence. We also present a model of engagement
management that builds on prior work on performance management.
2. A broad conceptualization of performance management
Although performance evaluation is at the heart of performance management (Cardy, 2004), the full process extends to all
organizational policies, practices, and design features that interact to produce employee performance. This integrative perspective
represents a configurational approach to strategic human resources management which argues that patterns of HR activities, as
opposed to single activities, are necessary to achieve organizational objectives (Delery & Doty, 1996). As Armstrong (2000) notes,
the performance management process offers an opportunity for the integration of all HR strategies. “Bundling” HR practices so that
they complement and strengthen each other has been shown to be necessary for an organization’s HR architecture to deliver
desired performance (Pfeffer, 1998). As suggested by Verweire and Van Den Berghe (2004), performance management is valuable
Human Resource Management Review 21 (2011) 123–136
? Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 519 824 4120×58730; fax: +1 519 823 5512.
E-mail addresses: (J.A. Gruman), (A.M. Saks).
1 Tel.: +1 416 978 5366; fax: +1 416 978 5696.
1053-4822/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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