Posted: April 22nd, 2015

A 1500 word essay which examines the current research and philosophies around the development of mathematical thinking and the strategies and resources that have been developed to support it.

A 1500 word essay which examines the current research and philosophies around the development of mathematical thinking and the strategies and resources that have been developed to support it.

Order Description

A 1500 word essay which examines the current research and philosophies around the development of mathematical thinking and the strategies and resources that have been developed to support it.
Choose an issue related to mathematical thinking and examine current research in relation to the issue and how this research impacts upon mathematical pedagogy in the classroom. This practical application of theory and research in relation to your ‘mathematical thinking’ theme may include reflection on your own experiences in schools, but should include comprehensive, relevant links between current theory and research, and teaching strategies including supporting resources. Your discussion of the research in relation to your issue should be clear and well-reasoned and include comprehensive evaluation and incisive analysis.

Structure and development of essay-Articulate, concise statement of purpose, and insightful, detailed, logical examination of supporting ideas (10 marks)

Linkages between current theory, and teaching strategies/ supporting resources- Comprehensive, highly pertinent links, effectively and clearly conveyed (10 marks)

Evaluation and analysis of topic, and use of current research- Cogent explanation of key ideas from sources used; comprehensive evaluation and incisive analysis; reinforced by use of extensive and reliable current research (10 marks)

Presentation-Highly developed quality of written expression; flawless and extensive referencing using correct academic convention (10 marks)

Assignment needs to have Australian resources, and not so much American or European resources as this is an Australian undergraduate essay. Making connections between theories, research and practice would be fantastic.

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