Posted: September 16th, 2017

A case study of the impact of Nokia’s product design on market share

What can the product design do for the market share

A case study of the impact of Nokia’s product design on market share

(explain how the question you are pursuing is relevant to the industry sector you are focussing on.

Use market intelligence and industry sources to evidence this)

Management Issue—
(explain how your chosen topic is a practical and relevant management problem for an organisation or sector)

The lost of leadership in mobile phone market

Nokia has identified losing their leader position in the currently mobile market according to the internal and external challenges they are facing to. So how to gain back the losting market share and competint with the stronger competitors might bring out some management issues for the company.

Literature review
(elaborate on the academic research that has been published-explain how this body of research is relevant or related to your project)
In the structure of the literature review, each theme should logically linked with others
In this part,

it may can goes through some theories in product design,customer behaviour or the competitor analysis,etc. (just for suggest)

Research Aims/Questions
(state your research aims and any research questions you have developed in relation to your management issue and your literature review)
only need ONE research aim here

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