Posted: September 18th, 2017

A comprehensive Security Plan

Final Project: Case Study (7PAGES LONG, 6 References)
The student will design a comprehensive Security Plan for:
• a full-service grocery store
o Acceptable: national/regional food store chain (e.g., Giant, Kroger, Win-Dixie, military base commissary, etc.)
o Not acceptable: local mini-mart (e.g., 7-Eleven, Wa-Wa, Highs, etc.)
Write a7 page report that addresses the issues and problems listed. References must include at least three (6) external scholarly sources that support the points made in the report.
Address the following general topic areas:
• Physical plant intrusion (e.g., burglary)
• Property damage, interior and exterior (e.g., vandalism, theft, etc.)
• Personal security (e.g., assault, personal property loss/damage, etc.)
• Information/records security
• Emergency planning and response
• OSHA standards and violations
• Hiring practices
• Training practices
• Legal issues unique to the site
• Recommended policies and procedures (topics only)
You must also apply the risk management principles learned in class; namely, identification of assets, identification of risks or threats, assessment of probability of individual threat occurrence and the criticality of those threats.
Any comprehensive security plan should consider the least expensive strategy that effectively and efficiently addresses the identified need.

Format Requirements
• Include an introductory section that explains the purpose of the paper; provides brief summary of the facility being reviewed; and details the crime prevention and security measures currently in place.
• Include your overview of security issues that will be addressed in your security plan
• Paper should be a minimum of 7 pages in narrative text
• Include (upload) a minimum of 4 photographs or sketches capturing security concerns and references in the Security Plan
• References must include the text and at least three (6) external scholarly sources
• Double space, 12 pt. font, 1” margins
• Use American Psychology Association (APA) content citation format for all sources
• Include a reference page using APA format guidelines (not included in page count)

Additionally –
• Create a cover page for your assignment (not included in word count)
• Include your name
• Course title and number
• Project title
• Date of submission

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