Posted: September 16th, 2017

A Concert Report

What was the band like? What instruments? How did they relate to the audience? Did the way they dressed or acted affect the audience’s response? What was the audience like? What ages? Clothing? Manner? And most importantly: How does the concert or performance relate to The Beatles, or the concepts we have discussed around them? Be specific.

– Here are the details about the concert.
Cross-genre pianist/songwriter/composer Josh Weinstein’s 2006 release Brooklyn Is Sinking was among WFUV and’s “Best CDs of 2006,” and his breakthrough 2009 release was licensed by MTV and played on more than 300 radio stations worldwide. Hubbub UK noted his “Superb songwriting, bags of musical talent [and] dark and gritty lyrics”; Americana-UK calls Weinstein’s sound “the seedy neon of Times Square refracted through dirty puddles.” His live show includes free improv and junkyard percussion, and navigates through elements of blues, jazz, modern rock and spoken word. At the Loft, Weinstein will be debuting material from an upcoming album, as well as reexamining cuts from Love & Alcohol and earlier releases.

-The type of music in the concert are raucous, jazz-tinged, introspective, sad, sardonic, acid-tongued, sweet, romantic, funny and–always–soulful.

-Performing by
-Josh Weinstein: vocal and keyboard
– Tommy Babin – bass
– Jeanette Kanga – drums
– Ben Zinn – guitar
– Judith Hamann – cello

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