Posted: September 14th, 2017

A key section of the Creative Brief (discussed in the tutorials and textbook) is the Proposition or USP (Unique Selling Proposition). Critically analyse the views of practitioners and scholars of the significance of a proposition. (Review the common themes or threads in your analysis). Thereafter select one particular brand’s proposition, not its tag line or slogan. (This proposition could be based on an emotional benefit or a practical benefit.) Then review the industry/academic comments from the literature about that proposition

Case study Guideline:


  1. Question:

A key section of the Creative Brief (discussed in the tutorials and textbook) is the Proposition or USP (Unique Selling Proposition).

Critically analyse the views of practitioners and scholars of the significance of a proposition. (Review the common themes or threads in your analysis).

Thereafter select one particular brand’s proposition, not its tag line or slogan. (This proposition could be based on an emotional benefit or a practical benefit.)

Then review the industry/academic comments from the literature about that proposition.


  1. Guideline:


  1. Include a variety of sources – textbooks, Google Scholar; industry periodicals (websites outlined in unit guide) have more reliable and in-depth content


  1. Be mindful about the word count (500w)


  1. Attention to detail – apply APA referencing


–  In text citations and reference list


–  Formatting


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