Posted: September 13th, 2017

a Ruby program

a Ruby program

15.3 Write, test, and debug (if necessary) a Ruby program with the following specification:

Input: Three names, on separate lines, from the keyboard.

Output: The input names in alphabetical order. Do not use arrays.

15.3 Write, test, and debug (if necessary) a Ruby program with the following specification:

Input: Three names, on separate lines, from the keyboard.

Output: The input names in alphabetical order. Do not use arrays.

16.4 Build a Rails application that accepts two integer values, produces the product of the two values, and returns the product to the client.

16.5 Build a Rails application that constructs a database with a single table listing well-known players from some specific team sport with which you or someone you know is familiar. The table must have columns for name, age, and team for which the person plays. The application must accept user requests for players of a specific team and age range and return a list of such people from the database.

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