Posted: September 5th, 2015

A statement that discusses ones career goals

high end university, admission essay
Submit a statement that discusses your career goals, as well as the factors that led you to select the Mid-Career MPA program as a means of furthering your personal and professional goals. Be as specific as possible in describing how your expected course of study will enable you to build on your prior professional experience and achieve these goals. (750 word limit)

Key points:
• I have a multi-cultural experience knowing that I lived in (U.S, U.K, Canada, & Australia) for more than ten years to finish my academic studies.
• My salary has increased during my career and I still resigned from my last job knowing that I was making U.S $ 140,000 a year for the purpose of finishing my PHD.
• The government of Saudi Arabia provided me with a scholarship through-out my educational career.

My plan:
• Move completely from the private sector to a leadership positions in the public sectors.
• The main reason behind changing completely from the private to public sector is to serve the Saudi Arabian government working in the foreign affairs and specifically; the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in the United States of America. The government took care of me through-out my educational career in my ups and downs, and I will like stand beside the government after completing my education career even though I can work in the private sector with my PHD that will probably pay me a higher salary than the government.
• I would like to join the foreign affairs sector since I can provide both educationally and professionally and serve my follow—citizens.
• I have worked in the HR, Financial, and IT industry in sales and operations knowing that these three departments are very much needed for every organization that is currently running.
• With Harvard’s education and direction in pubic administration, I will for sure obtain the desired position in the Saudi government, as well as the right direction of the work conduction.
What does the program offers.
The emphasis of the program is on developing the broad range of analytical and leadership skills required to initiate and implement major political, social or economic change.
Why Harvard.
Over the last 75 years, the Kennedy School has become the global leader in educating and empowering individuals committed to advancing the public interest. Our teachers are renowned scholars and accomplished practitioners who are actively engaged in the affairs of the world. Our students are legislators, non-profit executives, social entrepreneurs, advocates and aspiring leaders – from every age group and every corner of the globe.

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