Posted: September 14th, 2017

Abercrombie and Fitch: Expanding into the European Market



Abercrombie and Fitch: Expanding into the European Market. (45%) 2014/15.


Learning outcomes: Students in undertaking this assessment will be able to


  • Analyse international markets and assess the risk elements, including political, economic and socio-cultural factors.
  • Assess standardisation and adaptation strategies.
  • Evaluate and assess the international marketing strategy, including segmentation, targeting and positioning and international marketing decisions and activities.


Each student is required to analyse and write a report on the following case study:


“Case 2.1 Abercrombie and Fitch:Expanding into the European Market.” Pages 468-472.  of your main text Ghauri and Cateora text book  4th Edition.(2014)


Answer  all questions 1-5 on page 471 of your main text Ghauri and Cateora 4th Edition (2014)


Q1 – 20%

Q2 –  20%

Q3( –20%

Q4  – 20%

Q5 –  10%


Structure – 10%


Each question must demonstrate your ability to


  • Identify the key concepts, issues and models
  • apply these concepts into the  relevant contexts
  • demonstrate content relevance
  • research and cite sources from peer reviewed journals and texts (avoid on-line sources that cannot be sourced through hard copies)
  • argue the points clearly and supported by facts, evidence and examples
  • Structure your essay and use appropriate headings
  • Write clearly and without typographical and grammatical errors
  • Reference effectively using the Harvard system of referencing (in context and in the bibliography at the end of your report



Course Work Submission Guidelines

You need to submit 2 copies of your work – electronically and hard copy


  • The front cover must clearly state
  • your name
  • student number;
  • module title and number;
  • seminar tutor,
  • time and day of seminar; and
  • word count.


  • You must use the “Assessment Format” as explained below.
  • Report must be word-processed in font size 12 and double-line spaced.
  • Copy of the “written assessment criteria” must be submitted with your report.
  • The Assessment must be circa 3,000 words.
  • Evidence of reading is important and therefore sources (Reference) must be correctly cited and fully referenced.
  • A receipt form available from the student office must be attached to your coursework.
  • Students must retain a copy of their coursework. The marked copy will not normally be returned, so retention of a copy is important so that you can relate feedback to your work.

Completed work must be handed in at UNIHELP (in the library)by 16th February 2015.  Any submission after this date will NOT be graded. For any extenuating circumstances and extensions please contact the student office. A turnitin copy must also be submitted on line as well.

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