Posted: September 1st, 2015

Abuses of children during Victorian Times

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was not only an author but one of the most important social commentators of his time, who used his writing as a tool of expression for his criticisms of Victorian England. After reading the selection from Charles Dickens’ “Hard Times”, choose one of the following topics to find out more about, and write a clearly developed and well-formed research paper on your chosen topic. Follow the writing process and use APA format to cite sources used. Use the following two websites to help you in your writing:

Dickens was a strong champion for children’s rights in a time when children were treated as property. Research and discuss some of the abuses of children during Victorian Times.
Research and discuss classism in England during Victorian Times. What were the social classes of this time? What problems were caused because of classism?
Research and discuss the role of women in Victorian England. What were some of the abuses of women?


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