Posted: February 6th, 2015

Academic literature review — Social Media

Academic literature review — Social Media

Order Description

Word limit:3000 (not including references section or appendices)

You are required to develop an academic literature review that summarises the extent of knowledge in a particular field,

and in doing so identifies a major gap in knowledge that requires research attention.

This review is underpinned by the real world managerial problem/opportunity in <Integrated Marketing Communication>,

marketing, advertising, public relations, international business or related field, as identified and refined in your

earlier assignments.
(My earlier topic is” How the organisations establish relationship with their clients through social media?” So you should

emphasize understanding of social media)

Your review should be structured with the following sections:

1. Abstract (150 words)
This is an opportunity to succinctly “sell” the merits of your literature review. Use this section to help the reader

understand the purpose, key finding(s) and conclusion of your review.

2. Introduction (1-2 pages) (450words)
This section should introduce the background to the managerial issue of interest, pointing out overall trends, the key

directions the research has taken, and justifying the need for further research. Conclude by stating the managerial issue

that you are going to address in this major piece of work (so that the reader knows what the discussion relates to.

3. Literature review (1750words)
The exploration of that element should utilise both theory (including 1. conceptual, 2.empirical (quantitative), 3.

empirical (qualitative)) and facts drawn from credible sources which you cite

Your review should demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the topic of interest, through:

• a critical evaluation of the literature, rather than merely describing previous literature;
• integration of the key concepts from the literature relating to the managerial issue you have identified, rather than

being more like an annotated bibliography
• identification of key authors and the key works in the area;
• citations of claims by the original authors’ (usually based on their empirical findings), rather than citations based on

unsubstantiated claims or by other authors simply repeating or referring to the original claims;
• clearly demonstrating the position that you are taking arising from the evidence in the literature reviewed which is

relevant to your stated managerial issue.

4. Conclusion and of possible ongoing research (1-2 pages) (400words)
Summarise the key findings of the review, including the key research gap that requires attention. Conclude with a clear

discussion of how this topic of research could be extended by identifying and explaining at least three (3) research

objectives that would guide a future research project that could further address the managerial issue in a more practical

way. This section should:

• clearly link back to the constructs and/or variables identified and expanded on in the literature review;
• clearly links any relationships among the constructs to the managerial issue that underpins the literature review;
• clearly sets out research objectives that would guide the development of a piece of empirical research.

5. References
Use the APA referencing style to list all sources of information cited in the literature review.

Appendices (250 words)
You may use 1 appendice to support your work – but should not be more than 1 page


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