Posted: September 16th, 2017


In your analysis of this case include answers to the following questions

Q. 2. Assuming the contract is valid, prepare the following financial analyses:

a. Prepare a budget of expected minimum revenues under the contract. Show the sources of revenues from the set of five films and the fee.

b. What are the general revenue recognition criteria established under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

c. How would you apply the GAAP criteria for revenue recognition to account for the revenues under this contract? Explain your logic for both realizable and earned.

Here is the guidlines for writting.

Prospective employers in the business community demand high quality oral and written communication skills. In order to equip students with the skills to meet this demand, instructors will expect students to submit a number of written assignments in virtually every course in the curriculum. This document summarizes the pertinent rules, guidelines, and suggestions that will enable students to submit high quality written assignments. Note, however, that these rules, guidelines, and suggestions only apply to the form of the written document.

The content will naturally be of paramount importance, and, for obvious reasons, it is impossible to provide guidelines or suggestions for this aspect of the written document. [Please be sure to obtain precise details of the content requirements for each written assignment from your instructor(s).]

Instructors in the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics will generally expect students to write papers in business report format. Business report format simply requires that the various topics addressed in the paper be clearly identified with appropriate headings and sub-headings. In this regard, the convention usually followed is to use CAPITALS (upper case) for the main section or topic headings, and upper and lower case for the sub- headings.
This convention will be used in this document.

Two other communication formats frequently used are letters and memos. These are much shorter than business reports, and usually address one specific topic or issue. Examples of each are included in the appendix to this document.


ALL written communications must conform to generally accepted standards of English grammar and style. This document highlights some of the most important rules, but it is not exhaustive. For a more complete coverage of this topic, consult publications such as Strunk and White’s “The Elements of Style.”

Fonts and Typefaces

Use a minimum of 12 point font size. Use only common typefaces such as Times New Roman (which is known as a ‘serif’ typeface), or Arial (which is known as a ‘sans-serif’ typeface).

Bold and Italics

When specific emphasis is required, or the writer simply wants to draw something to the attention of the reader, it is permissible to use bold or italics. Sometimes, the word or phrase to be emphasized is so important that it is both bolded and italicized. Be careful
not to use these writing tools excessively in a document, since this will tend to have the opposite effect.

Line Spacing

The general rule for academic papers is double spacing, while the minimum is 11⁄2 spacing.

Academic papers will generally be left justified (as in this document).

Page Margins

The general page margin default setting in the two most commonly used word processing programs, WordPerfect® and Word®, is one inch all round. This is also the standard margin required in academic papers.

Page Numbering

All pages in an academic paper must be sequentially numbered. The numbering style is a personal preference, but it must be consistent throughout the paper. If there is a table of contents, the page numbers used for it are lower case Roman numerals, that is, i, ii, iii, iv, v, and so on. [The regular numbering starts on the first page of the paper which is page 1.]

Tables and Figures

If tables and figures are used in a paper, they must be clearly numbered sequentially as “Table 1,” “Table 2,” and so on, and must have an appropriate title immediately below the table or figure number. It is acceptable to use the abbreviation ‘Fig.’ for figure. Both the table or figure number and the title must be centered on the page, immediately above the table or figure. If the table or figure contains data or material obtained from a published source, details of the source must be given below the table or figure. A table must be complete on one page. In other words, a table must not be ‘split’ over two pages.


It is essential that all written communications be free of spelling errors. When in doubt about the correct spelling of a word, consult a dictionary! If the spell checking feature is used in a word processing program, remember that it only picks up spelling errors, not context errors! It is therefore essential to proofread your paper very carefully after you have completed it. (Tips for proofreading are given in a separate document.)


Many grammatical errors can be avoided by using the grammar checkers in word processing programs. But, just like spell-check applications, they are not foolproof. The English language contains numerous rules for proper grammar, punctuation, and style. These rules are further complicated by context and writing style.

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