Posted: September 13th, 2017

Accounting Financial Analysis Project (Analyze Financial State of a Company)

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


This is a “Financial Accounting” class project where you have to choose a company and analyze it’s financial statements and provide information for investors.

I have two documents with full instructions that I’m attaching to this order.

The company of choice is up to you, but I wanted to analyze one of the big watchmakers like Audemars Piguet. If that provides to be difficult, choose a different company, but preferably one of the luxury watchmakers.

Here is copy-pasted instructions from the document I am attaching:

Choose a company you want to analyze.
Perform your analysis on the last three reported years of your company (2011 to 2013 or 2012 to 2014). Use ratios and trend analysis. Your analysis should clearly provide comments on the financial strength of your company from the perspective of i) a short-term investor, ii) a long-term investor, and iii) a stock investor.

Follow the structure from the Comprehensive Problem 4 on Home Depot in answering to all the questions from Parts I, II and III, taking into account the following:
For Part II, add to your analysis the number of days to collect receivable and the number of days products remain in inventory;
For Part III, add the Operating margin ratio (= operating profit / net sales) to your analysis.
In addition:
Perform an analysis on the long-term credit risk of your company as well as an analysis on the statement of cash flows (see below).

For your analysis on the statement of cash flows, please answer to the following questions and guidelines:

During the last three reported years:
Analyse and comment the evolution of the “Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities” and the “Free Cash Flow”

During the last reported year only (in 2013 or 2014):
Has your company been able to finance its investments with cash generated by business operations?
What type of external financing did you company use?
What did it do with the excess cash?
Make comments on the cash position of the company.

Conclude with a general comment on the financial strength of your company.

Financial Analysis Project


Due date: December 12, 2014


Choose a company you want to analyze.

Perform your analysis on the last three reported years of your company (2011 to 2013 or 2012 to 2014). Use ratios and trend analysis. Your analysis should clearly provide comments on the financial strength of your company from the perspective of i) a short-term investor, ii) a long-term investor, and iii) a stock investor.


Follow the structure from the Comprehensive Problem 4 on Home Depot in answering to all the questions from Parts I, II and III, taking into account the following:

For Part II, add to your analysis the number of days to collect receivable and the number of days products remain in inventory;

For Part III, add the Operating margin ratio (= operating profit / net sales) to your analysis.

In addition:

Perform an analysis on the long-term credit risk of your company as well as an analysis on the statement of cash flows (see below).


For your analysis on the statement of cash flows, please answer to the following questions and guidelines:


During the last three reported years:

Analyse and comment the evolution of the “Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities” and the “Free Cash Flow”


During the last reported year only (in 2013 or 2014):

Has your company been able to finance its investments with cash generated by business operations?

What type of external financing did you company use?

What did it do with the excess cash?

Make comments on the cash position of the company.



Conclude with a general comment on the financial strength of your company.


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