Posted: September 14th, 2015

Acquisition of substantial number of shares in the project company.


To initially commence the project, you need to obtain the information on the chosen company.[Our chosen company is Chesapeake Energy Corporation]

The report for this project will be prepared using economic, business strategy and industry analysis, corporate governance analysis, accrual quality, accounting analysis, financial analysis, forecasting, risk analysis followed by valuation of the company’s shares.

Prepare a report that presents a case for the acquisition of substantial number of shares in the project company.

It is suggested that the number of words/ sentences for each section/subsection are proportionate to the marks allocated. No appendix is allowed in the report. All tables and illustrations must be included in the main report.

Tables, illustrations and charts are not included in the word count (unless very wordy). Reference list is required and is not counted towards the word limit.


currently, just need to finish these 2 parts.[Front End]&[ Section A: Capital market analysis]
can just leave the [table of contents] blank.


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