Posted: February 4th, 2015

Actual Dubai based organisation/company

Actual Dubai based organisation/company

You are required to submit a hard copy of a power point presentation to the Student Office by 16:00 hrs on Sunday, September 1st, 2013. Your power point presentation

should be accompanied by a maximum 2 page written summary which would detail your talk (i.e. what you would say for each slide if you were to present in from of an

audience). Kindly note that you DO NOT need to submit an electronic copy of the presentation on Oasis plus. Also note that you WILL NOT deliver your presentation in

front of your lecturer or any other audience. You just need to submit the presentation slides and the written summary to the student office.

Specifically, you need to submit 6 slides maximum on the situation analysis for an actual Dubai based organisation/company.

Your situation analysis should include the following:

– An analysis of the macro-environment (e.g. PEST analysis)
– SWOT analysis
– Recommendations

The presentation should summarise your findings using SWOT analysis. The presentation should conclude with marketing recommendations that you think would enable the

organisation to capitalise on the opportunities and overcome the threats you identified.

Further help with the Resit Presentation
The required format for this assignment is a PowerPoint Presentation consisting of 6 slides including title page and bibliography. These slides would be:
(a) Title page (1 slide)
Your title page needs only to include your student name and student number as well as the name and address of the Organisation/Company analysed
(b) Macro Environment (1-2 slides)
For identifying the Macro environmental factors that could affect the business (i.e. PEST analysis), read Jobber (2010, Chapter 3).
(c) SWOT analysis (1 slide)
You will be able to conduct a SWOT analysis after studying Jobber D. (2010), chapter 2, p. 44-47
(d) Recommendations (1 slide)
Your recommendations should draw from your previous analysis. For example, you may suggest that a company takes advantage of an opportunity that you identified when

you conducted your macro-environmental analysis.
(f) Bibliography / Reference Page (1 slide)


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