Posted: June 20th, 2017

Adam is a 16 year old male who lives with his mother in Packer County. Adam was taken into physical custody in the act of burglarizing a Packer County liquor store in violation of state criminal law. After conferring with the police, Adam’s mother, and, after interviewing Adam (Adam had been advised of his right to remain silent and to be represented by an attorney), the intake worker decided to authorize Adam’s placement in juvenile detention.

Adam is a 16 year old male who lives with his mother in Packer County. Adam
was taken into physical custody in the act of burglarizing a Packer County liquor store in
violation of state criminal law. After conferring with the police, Adam’s mother, and, after
interviewing Adam (Adam had been advised of his right to remain silent and to be
represented by an attorney), the intake worker decided to authorize Adam’s placement in
juvenile detention. The intake worker was told by the police officer and Adam’s mother
that Adam had been adjudicated delinquent just 5 days before the current burglary he is
alleged to have committed. He had been adjudicated delinquent on a charge of strong
armed robbery. Adam was on the run from his mother’s home for the past 4 days. Adam
has been on the run from his mother’s home on at least 2 other occasions in the past 3
months. While awaiting disposition on the pending strong armed robbery case, Adam was
under a temporary non – secure custody order issued by Judge Nomercy pursuant to s.
Which TWO criteria under s. 938.208 – Criteria for holding a juvenile in a juvenile
detention facility – can be applied to the intake worker’s decision to hold Adam in custody
in a juvenile detention facility?
A. s. 938.208 (1) and s. 938.208 (3)
Wisconsin Child Welfare Training System: Legal Affairs Online 4
B. s. 938.208 (1) and s. 928.208 (4)
C. s. 938.208 (1) and s. 938.208 (5)
D. s. 938.208 (1) and s. 938.208 (2)

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