Posted: September 13th, 2017

Addiction Counseling

Foundations of Addiction Counseling

Develop a case study or, preferably, refer to one that is known to you but change names and any specific identifying information that involves a person with an addiction.

Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper that addresses the following:

Include details of the history of the addiction.
Include a family, educational, and social history.
Apply SAMHSA’s five objectives for assessment on p. 84 of Foundations of Addiction Counseling.
What assessment measures would you recommend to assess the severity of the addiction? Why would you choose those particular ones?
Have you addressed the full spectrum of problems for which treatment may be needed? Are there additional mental health issues in addition to addiction that need addressing?
What are the recommended interventions?
What family or significant persons would you include? How would they be included?
How will you measure the progress and effectiveness of the plans?
Refer to “A Case Study of William” for guidance, on p. 180 of Foundations of Addiction Counseling.

Include at least two peer-reviewed research articles.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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