Posted: September 14th, 2017

Adidas shoe company

Adidas shoe company

Need a case study for Adidas shoe company.
Overview: Who makes up the company’s top leadership team? What does your company produce/sell? What is your company’s current financial condition i.e. stock price history, debt ratio, earnings per share (EPS), P/E ratio, etc.?

Current Strategic Vision: Do you agree or disagree with this strategy and why? Are the strategy and business model well matched and why?

Current competitive strategy: Explaining how you
determined the company’s competitive strategy is key.

Current complementary strategies: Alliances, integration, outsourcing, mergers, Internet, etc.

External Factors: Substitutes, competitors, suppliers, buyers, new entrants

Internal Factors: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) –

Your revised strategy and specific recommendations for change (include Competitive and Complementary strategy changes)

Financial objectives and projections based on your new strategy recommendations

Organizational and Personnel changes required to support your new strategy recommendations

Executive Summary: Summarize your findings and recommendations

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