Posted: May 12th, 2015

adolescents and disengaged from education

Study Books Used in Class:
Keleher, H. & MacDougall, C. (eds). (2011). Understanding Health. (3rd ed.). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Baum, F. (2008). The New Public Health. (3rd ed.). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press
The first step in this assessment task is to identify a health issue within a population group. Use the Livelonger templates (as attatched) as a guide (these are NOT to be filled in and submitted). It is expected you format your work as an academic piece of work. Use each of the following template names as a heading, but do not simply answer the questions on the templates. You are required to write using paragraphs, appropriate sentence structure and grammar as well as use appropriate literature to support your work.
1. Research
2. Audience
3. Stakeholders
4. Partnership

Population group “Adolescents” and health issue is “disengaged from education”

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