Posted: September 13th, 2017

Adult learning theories, Gen X,Y,Z need for different learning and development methods

Adult learning theories, Gen X,Y,Z need for different learning and development methods

Order Description


In the field of training and development, some experts consider that Generation Y and Z workers learn in different ways than older generations and that this warrants the need for different training and development methods. Using adult learning theories and scholarly articles, examine whether this view is accurate.


• The paper should be neatly presented with a cover sheet attached.

• It should be up to 2000 words in total length (not including references etc). Assignments within + or – 10% of this total will not be penalised.

• The essay must demonstrate the use of at least 8 scholarly references. The textbook does not count as a reference but can be used. Avoid internet references except for those that come from academic databases.

• Referencing is critical. Please use the Harvard system. The words of others must be cited (referenced), as must the ideas of others. A failure to reference may result in a significant grade penalty.

• The format for the essay is to be 1.5 spaced and font size of 12 pt. Please show the word count on the title page of your essay.

• Begin the essay with an Introduction and finish it with a Conclusion. An Introduction presents the context for the information to follow.

• This assignment is due in Week 6. The essay is to be submitted to the Student Office in Building E4B tutorial by 4 pm on Thursday 2nd April 2015. You must put the essay through Turnitin and attach a Turnitin certificate to the essay submitted at the office.

• Late assignments will be penalised at the rate of 20% of available marks for the first 24 hours and 10 marks for any or all of each 24 hours thereafter.

• The individual assignment should have a Cover sheet with student name, student ID number, and tutorial day and time specified (and turnitin certificate, as stated above).

1900-1950 words please

This is worth 20% of my final grade and it’s already late, so my maximum mark is already 16%/20%. This topic has confused my brain so much that I’m asking someone else to do it for me.

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