Posted: September 13th, 2017


Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


Search Engine Marketing has changed dramatically over the past few years. To stay up on the trends you need do you research. Here are some pieces to read:…
Learn and do. Good luck!
Required Tasks
Optimize your blog using the WordPress SEO Plugin
Write an optimized title tag and meta description for your homepage, your about page and at least one blog post
Write one optimized blog post on your personal blog
Identify which keywords you wish to target and work them into your content, headings and post title
Sign up for a Google Analytics account and connect it to your WordPress blog
Write a 250+ word post that would describe to a client (assuming you were optimizing your personal blog for a client) what you did to optimize your blog. Keywords used and why. Describe how this should help them, using images and links to enhance your story.
Demonstrate your full understanding of SEO through your optimization efforts
Scott: Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, 22

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