Posted: September 13th, 2017

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Order Description

Two videos of AXE commercials “Anarchy”
• Watch the following AXE commercials “Anarchy” at:
• Based on what you have learned from Chapter 15, discuss how use of social media in IMC mix is applied in this case.
• Your response should be no longer than 5 lines.
• The response to this discussion question will count as participation points. Make sure you provide a thoughtful response to the questions and that you check for typos and grammar mistakes.
• This discussion question will be open, that is, all of your classmates will be able to read what you wrote and make comments.
• I strongly encourage you to make comments on what your classmates wrote. However, be polite.
• You have until Sunday, March 8 at 11:59 pm to post your response.
Two videos of AXE commercials “Anarchy”
• Watch the following AXE commercials “Anarchy” at:
• Based on what you have learned from Chapter 15, discuss how use of social media in IMC mix is applied in this case.
• Your response should be no longer than 5 lines.
• The response to this discussion question will count as participation points. Make sure you provide a thoughtful response to the questions and that you check for typos and grammar mistakes.
• This discussion question will be open, that is, all of your classmates will be able to read what you wrote and make comments.
• I strongly encourage you to make comments on what your classmates wrote. However, be polite.
• You have until Sunday, March 8 at 11:59 pm to post your response.

Two videos of AXE commercials “Anarchy”
• Watch the following AXE commercials “Anarchy” at:
• Based on what you have learned from Chapter 15, discuss how use of social media in IMC mix is applied in this case.
• Your response should be no longer than 5 lines.
• The response to this discussion question will count as participation points. Make sure you provide a thoughtful response to the questions and that you check for typos and grammar mistakes.
• This discussion question will be open, that is, all of your classmates will be able to read what you wrote and make comments.
• I strongly encourage you to make comments on what your classmates wrote. However, be polite.
• You have until Sunday, March 8 at 11:59 pm to post your response.
Two videos of AXE commercials “Anarchy”
• Watch the following AXE commercials “Anarchy” at:
• Based on what you have learned from Chapter 15, discuss how use of social media in IMC mix is applied in this case.
• Your response should be no longer than 5 lines.
• The response to this discussion question will count as participation points. Make sure you provide a thoughtful response to the questions and that you check for typos and grammar mistakes.
• This discussion question will be open, that is, all of your classmates will be able to read what you wrote and make comments.
• I strongly encourage you to make comments on what your classmates wrote. However, be polite.
• You have until Sunday, March 8 at 11:59 pm to post your response.

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