Posted: May 8th, 2015



Due date: Week 6, . Weighting: 20%

Length: 1600 words

This task will be assessed against the following criteria:

  1. Critical Presentation of existing knowledge, theory and views related to the topic area, interpretative and critical analysis of context. (5) 5
  2. An explanation of choice of paradigm; methodology and an explanation of the research design that will be adopted to answer / explore the research inquiry and a discussion of ethical issues that may be relevant and how to they will be managed; (5) 2
  1. Demonstrates connection to theory/practice synthesis, interpretative and critical analysis of

context. (5) 4

  1. Consistent use of appropriate academic style, which includes the use of language, structure, adequate length, as well as accurate documentation of sources. (5) 5



  1. Depth of understanding











Interpretation and critical analysis







Impressive and original depth of understanding of topic.



Highly reflective use of evidence



Highly critical and reflexive analysis






Convincing synthesis of evidence, analysis and understanding in argumentation



Thorough and comprehensive understanding of topic.


Considered weighing of evidence




Thorough and sustained critical analysis





Convincing synthesis of evidence, analysis and understanding in argumentation

Clear understanding of topic.




Arguments sustained by reference to relevant evidence.




Issues and theories considered critically.





Credible argument making good use of evidence, analysis and understanding

Adequate understanding of topic.




Occasional tendency to assertions not supported by evidence




Limited interpretation and critical analysis.





Reasonably well-argued discussion of topic

Conversant with topic but serious gaps or errors.



General lack of evidence in supporting arguments




Lacks depth of understanding and demonstrates undeveloped critical analysis.



Inconsistent argumentation and lack of clarity

Major aspects of the topic ignored.





Poor or no use of evidence in supporting arguments



Poor understanding of issues and no critical analysis






Poor argumentation



Critical appraisal of research design




Methods and procedures





Synthesis of analysis with literature



Assured and critical discussion of methodology and implications



Critical and reflexive appraisal of research design



Displays highly critical and reflective understanding and analysis of methods and procedures used


Reflective discussion of convergence and divergence of research findings in context of literature


A clear discussion of methodology, showing understanding of implications



Critical appraisal of research design




Displays critical understanding and analysis of methods and procedures used


Relates and discusses convergence and divergence of findings from research literature


Discussion of methodology, showing awareness of   implications


Some critical analysis of the research design.


Displays clear understanding and analysis of methods and

procedures used



Considers convergence and divergence of findings from research literature



Some awareness of research methodologies and their implications



Limited   critique of research design



Reasons for choice of methods and procedures given.





Limited discussion of convergence and divergence of findings from research literature


No clear evidence of understanding research methodologies




Inconsistent critique of research




Methods and procedures explained, but no reason for choice given




No discussion of convergence and divergence of findings from research literature


Research not methodology poorly or not discussed






Poor or no critique of research design.





Methods and procedures lack explanation







No discussion of convergence and divergence of findings from research literature

3.. Theory, practice and research synthesis










Use of personal and professional experience






Implications for wider context



Sensitive and effective use of personal experience to evaluate links between theory, research and practice; work potentially worth dissemination


Well-articulated, critical and reflexive use of personal professional experience to illuminate discussion.



Assesses critically and originally the impact of findings for the wider context


Considered discussion to evaluate links between theory, research and practice; work potentially worth dissemination



Thorough and effective use of personal professional experience to illuminate discussion.



Assesses clearly the impact of findings for the wider context


Beginning to develop critical reflection and analysis of practice through theory and research





Good use of personal professional experience to illuminate discussion.




Some discussion of the impact of findings for the wider context



Links between theory, research and practice partially considered.






Illustrates work with some examples from personal experiences.




Very little consideration of the impact of findings for the wider context



Very little consideration of how theory and research might be related to practice.







Tendency towards anecdote in discussion of personal experience.





Consideration of the impact of findings for the wider context lacking in credibility


No consideration of relationships between theory, practice and research










No evidence of relating professional experience to the assignment/dissertation.







No consideration of the impact of findings for the wider context



  1. Presentation














Presentation of a high quality very few typos, errors in punctuation.









Referencing is always correct


Well presented, generally few typos, errors in punctuation etc.








Referencing is always correct.

Follows required presentational practices, a few typos, errors in punctuation etc. .








Referencing is almost always correct.

Usually follows required practices for presentation, but with some issues to be addressed. A number of typos, errors in punctuation etc.




Referencing is generally correct.


Has not followed required presentational conventions

Many typos, errors in punctuation etc.







Many errors in referencing.


Poor presentation adversely affects intelligibility

Many typos, errors in punctuation etc.







No use of conventions in referencing.











Mohammed ,

I am confused. Your report in to the ‘ EFFECTIVE PEDAGOGIES TO TEACH ENGLISH READING SKILLS TO A COHORT OF YEAR SEVEN SAUDI ARABIAN STUDENTS’ appears as if it has already been conducted. You write in the past tense and provide ‘data’ from what appears to be a completed study. Is this a past investigation you have conducted? The gaol of this assignment is to construct a question to be investigated and demonstrate reading and consideration of methodology prior to commencing the project. I have struggled to ‘mark’ this work and I have marked your work according to the criteria for this assignment but I am concerned that this is work taken from previous study. I am interested to hear in what context and for what purpose this investigation was conducted and when. A requirement of this degree is that work submitted be original. Can we please discuss this assignment when we next meet.

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