Posted: January 18th, 2017

Age Income Education Population Will any of the Census information impact the success of this product (explain)?

Before it is possible to market a product, a critical component is to conduct extensive market research. In this first part of your three part project, your focus will be to decide on a local product in your community (it can be a local product or a national brand). Your research will be all about your local community and the potential viability of that product in your community.

In this Market Research Assignment you will answer the 6 topics below:

Why did you create or select this local product? Why is this product important to your community? What is the demographic of this community (will requires Census Data)? Age Income Education Population Will any of the Census information impact the success of this product (explain)? Explain how you fit in the demographic of this community and would it impact you buying this product (explain)? What did you learn from this exercise (conclusion)? Compile your 5 page (excluding cover and reference pages) Market Research report with three outside references using APA format and citation style.

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