Posted: September 13th, 2017

Agency Analysis – Dallas LIFE Foundation

Agency Analysis – Dallas LIFE Foundation

Order Description


To help students demonstrate the application of social work values, ethics and principles of social work practice from the NASW Code of Ethics.
To help students become aware of community resources that may benefit clients.

I.Agency Goals (Include mission statement or purpose statement if the agency has one. Tell why this agency exists. What are the major social problems addressed or the problems faced by clients? Identify the type of Agency – Public or Private. Who does the agency help? Who are the clients? How does the agency determine who gets the help? What exactly does the agency provide?)
II. Agency Structure (Tell how the agency is organized. What is the agency atmosphere, that is, how did it feel to you the first time you went to the agency? How do you think it makes clients feel? What are the departments or units within the agency? What are the lines of authority, communication, accountability, and decision-making? Also include a flow chart to describe this.)
III. Agency Technology (What resources, tools, methods, approaches are used)

Keep going and tell me as much about the agency as you can think of. I want to read this and feel I have a very clear picture of the agency, the population it serves, mission and vision statement, how it gets funding etc….

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