Posted: February 9th, 2017

Why are we always talking just about CO2 affecting the global warming while there are some other atmospheric processes that strongly affect climatic changes causing the opposite effect?

intro to astronomy—-db11—-at least 250 words

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Topic of Conversation:

If just the risng man-made CO2 emission is what causes the Global Warming?. . Critical thinking at the free university- free from state, market and profit.

Pro-global warming lobby insists that it is now CO2 which is driving the rise in temperature with no hard evidence to support this illogical premise. On the contrary, temperatures rose fairly rapidly from about 1900 to 1940 but then declined until the late 1970s during a period when CO2 emissions were rising in the post-war industrial boom. According to satellite data, following peak temperatures in 1998 there has been no warming of statistical significance in spite of a further increase in CO2 emissions. 95% of greenhouse gas is water vapour, CO2 is a relatively minor constituent making a marginal contribution to the greenhouse system.

Studies acknowledge that rises in CO2 concentrations have a warming influence but that it is logarithmic, ie. the first 20 parts per million have the most effect but thereafter the influence wanes to negligible by the time the current 393 parts per million are reached. CO2 concentrations have been much higher in the past.

CO2 is beneficial for promoting plant growth which is important if we are to feed the growing global human population without destroying our environment. Below 150ppm nothing would grow and we’d all die. Dutch growers buy CO2 to increase concentrations in their greenhouses to increase crop yields. So it seems perverse to describe a basic building block of life on earth as a pollutant.

Finally, while acknowledging that the earth’s climate is a complex system with millions of variables, the correlation between solar activity and temperature appears much more compelling

Why are we always talking just about CO2 affecting the global warming while there are some other atmospheric processes that strongly affect climatic changes causing the opposite effect?

Global Cooling vs Global Warming. The scientist Axel Michaelowa from the Hamburg Institute of International Economics, Germany published the interesting scientific results in the paper Limiting Global Cooling after Global Warming is Over — Differentiating Betw…pdf dedicated to this problem

Current climate policy does not take into account that, after greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced to an extent that atmospheric concentrations stabiliseand then start to fall, natural decay of greenhouse gases will lead to a global cooling phase spanning several centuries. This cooling will lead to damage to humans and ecosystems that depends on the rate of temperature change. Current climate policy should thus concentrate on the reduction of short- and medium-lived greenhouse gases, while exempting long lived gases. This reduces the cooling rate. Another policy option is to sequester carbon in geological reservoirs that allow controlled release in the future.

Nobody have asked themselves , if there is some other , more strong atmospheric disbalance in large cities affecting the climatic change compared to the global warming caused by antropogenic co2 that is mostly produced by the human population just in these cities. Give answer to this question after reading the article Temperature Inversion Layers. By Amanda Briney, Contributing Writer

Temperature inversion layers are significant to meteorology because they block atmospheric flow which causes the air over an area experiencing an inversion to become stable. This can then result in various types of weather patterns. More importantly though, areas with heavy pollution are prone to unhealthy air and an increase in smog when an inversion is present because they trap pollutants at ground level instead of circulating them away. London’s Great Smog and Mexico’s similar problems are extreme examples of smog being impacted by the presence of an inversion layer.This is a problem all over the world though and cities like Los Angeles, California; Mumbai, India; Santiago, Chile; and Tehran, Iran, frequently experience intense smog when an inversion layer develops over them.Intense thunderstorms and tornados are also associated with inversions because of the intense energy that is released after an inversion blocks an area’s normal convection patterns.

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