Posted: December 3rd, 2014

American History

American History

Order Description

Second Paper Assignment
Use the documents in “Document Project 8” (attached) and write a 4paper that answers this question:
• According to these documents, how did race relations in the United States change between 1785 and 1817 as slavery expanded along with white Americans’ movement into

new western territories?
Your paper must have an introduction, body, and conclusion, and must have a thesis statement. Please email or make arrangements to see me at my office (IDC 312,

cubicle H) if you have any questions or would like any guidance. I also recommend that you visit the Writing Center with a draft or draft portion of your paper. The

Writing Center is located in the Cartwright Learning Resources Center (CLRC) – the building on West Campus that is closest to the footbridge. Walk into the building

and enter the CLRC to the left. Here is the link to the Writing Center website:
Formatting requirements:
• Use 12-point font
• Use typical fonts: i.e. Courier, Times New Roman, Cambria, etc.
• Use one-inch margins
• Double-spaced
• You must include your name on a title page or at the top of the paper
• For citations of the document project you need only put the number of the
document in parentheses following the sentence in which you paraphrased
or quoted from a document; example: (8.10)
• For citations from the Hewitt and Lawson textbook you need only put the last
name of the author and the page number in parentheses following the sentence in which you paraphrased or quoted from the textbook; example: (Hewitt, 211)
The paper is due on Monday, Nov. 17, as a digital submission via Turnitin on the Moodle 2 link for our course (Fall 2014 – History 101 – 36890). The instructor will

provide the link in the same manner as the first paper.

Race Relations in
the Earl Republic.
In the late eighteenth century, the United States was far from extend-ing the promises of equality and democracy championed in the Revolutionary War o all Americans.

African Americans and Indians in particular were denied most civil and political rights. Indeed, Thomas Jefferson (Document 8.5) and many others were uncertain about

whether the two groups could be fully incorporated into white soci-ety. When Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory in 1803, he acquired lands inhabited by numerous

Indian communities. In Document 8.6, Meriwether Lewis describes his encounter with Indians in the region. Despite promises of aid, Indian nations in the West fared no

better than those in the eastern United States as white settlers, backed by government force, gradually took over Indian lands. The majority of African Americans in

the early Republic era were enslaved, and eight of the first ten presidents were slaveholders. As cotton production expanded in the South, slavery did as well, and the

slave population increased dramatically after 1790. With the end of the international slave trade in 1808, owners grew even more reluctant to free their slaves. As

Andrew Jackson’s 1804 ad for a run-away slave demonstrates (Document 8.8), slavery was a brutal system. The English Quaker Robert Sutcliff noted this physical

brutality in his travels to Virginia and Pennsylvania (Document 8.9). While slave revolts were rare, those that occurred involved extensive planning, as suggested by

the confes-sion of a slave involved in one plot (Document 8.7). Even free blacks lacked political and civil rights and suffered severe discrimination. However, some

free blacks managed to create vibrant communities, as in Philadelphia. There African Americans agitated publicly against racism despite being denied the formal rights

of citizenship (Document 8.10). The following documents reveal popular white perceptions of African Americans and Indians. They also suggest how blacks and Indians

sought to carve out a place for themselves in the early Republic.


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