Posted: April 1st, 2015


Lots of debates have been going around the American revolution, its origin and duration. Different scholars express their opinions about the issue; they may disagree with some aspects, however, they are all unanimous about the fact that American revolution was the radical one. During the period when the American revolution occurred, many colonies found themselves dissatisfied with the position they occupied. Social and economical conditions made people search for their rights by means of revolutionary affairs. The problems between black and white population also made people raise for fight for their rights. I absolutely agree with Nash  that the revolution came from the poor quarters of society. Rich people became richer, and poor people got even more limited in their incomes. Therefore, the social problems were essential for the society and the revolution was just a matter of time.
Trying to deliver personal point of view, Nash  stated that the radicalism of the American revolution was in the desire to change the society radically. The social opinion had been creating by years, therefore, the changes had to be completed from the very poor levels of society. It was not enough just to implement the reforms. More radical actions were to be provided and American revolution was exactly what was necessary for the society as a whole.
Nash  tried to say that fighting for the social changes, people wanted to gain justice. The changes occurred, however, they were interesting just for the affluent level of population, and the government was unable to do anything about it. Only the radical actions created the conditions for changes. Dreaming about the better future, poor people understood that they had nothing to lose. Trying to get rid of the British influence and occupation, Americans had to gather and create a powerful army of those who were dissatisfied with the governmental policy. There was a slight dissatisfaction of the rich as well, however, the reforms were directed at helping to correct those failures of the government, therefore, most wealthy people were satisfied with the economical situation in the end. But the poor remained in huge need of changes.
Supporting Nash’s opinion  about the influence of poor people on the revolution, Wood  states that people wanted independence, however, the nature of that independence was different. Wishing to get rid of the British influence, many people also wanted to get released from each other’s independence. Personal independence was more important. The social problems were numerous, racial discrimination, restricted rights of different layers of population, etc. created the supportive environment for revolution. The American revolution made it possible for the society to change, to evolve and create the conditions for further development.
The American revolution played an important role in the development of the American society as people understood its value. There were many people who were at the bottom of the social ladder, but the revolution increased their will, made them free and fearless in expressing their opinion. Therefore, those who participated in the revolution, those who felt that revolution was the only way out evolved in their thinking. American revolution was the beginning of the new era, it was the starting point for a new life. The belief that the revolution was created within ruled is a correct one since applying to this opinion makes it possible to criticize the American revolution.

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