Posted: July 30th, 2015

AMN404Readings in IMC/Assessment 1.

AMN404Readings in IMC/Assessment 1.

You are required to develop a proposal that outlines the topic you have selected, and the reason or argument for undertaking this academic literature review related to a real world managerial benefit or opportunity – or, where relevant – a statement of benefit for academic researchers (collectively called the “managerial/academic benefitstatement”)in a discipline of interest: e.g. IMC, marketing, advertising, public relations, international business, or related field.

Your proposal should:
•    show evidence of pre-reading on the topic selected
•    clearly identify a focussed real world managerial benefit /or academic researcher benefitfor the project topicthat you will address in your full literature review.
•    provide reasons for the need to do a literature review on the topic
•    identify the name of the academic who has agreed to supervise you.

In the event that you do not have a supervisor arranged at this time – indicate that you are with Lynda Andrews (lecturer).  A list of possible topics and supervisors isavailableon the unit’s Blackboard site.
Note: You must confirm your initial topic with a supervisor, then notify Lynda of your supervisor and topic area for her record keeping ([email protected]). Try to do this before assignment one is submitted please.

Suggested approach to this proposal:

TITLE PAGE (needs to contain the following):
•    Title of your project
•    Managerial or academic benefit statement
•    Your name
•    The name of your supervisor

Then prepare your assignment along these guidelines. These are the anticipated sections in this proposal – that match up to the marks allocated on the marking criteria.

Section 1: Introduction to topic and managerial / academic benefit
•    Brief introduction to the topic area that includes a clear statement of the managerial or academicbenefit that you wish to address in your literature review.
Section 2: Discussion of literature
•    Focused and insightfulreview of the articles that you have collected at this point that demonstrates an understanding of the topic area and which providea level of support for the managerial/academic benefitstatement you have identified.
Section 3: Reason for undertaking the literature review:
•    Provide reasons for the need for this review and make some links back to points raised in Section 2 (for example you may have noted limitations in managerial or researcher knowledge that authors have identified or there may be gaps in the literature that you have noted from reading your articles).
Reference list (separate page): Provide full citations for all articles used in proposal.Can select Harvard or APA – but not a mixture.For guidance use the Cite/Write document in the assessment folder on our blackboard site. Do not use footnotes.

Please enclose a copy of the marking criteria with your assignment (do not staple it to your assignment).

Note: you must use academic journal articlesinthis assignment to demonstrate that you have been accessing the library’s electronic resources, such as academic journals or electronic databases held by the library. Newspaper articles or other non-academic materials, e.g. Wikipedia, blogs or industry sites should not be used – unless you have access to a significant industry report that is highly relevant. You may use one textbook in this proposal to ground your topic’s discipline area, i.e. IMC or
Advertising etc. After this assignment – NO textbooks can be used in your work for assignment 2 and 3.

Feedback procedure; The supervisor will provide feedback on the first assessment item (this proposal) for a clear direction for the final literature review (Assessment 3).  The supervisor may provide verbal feedback and advice on the progress of the final literature review report for its improvement but will NOT make any corrections on the draft report.

See additional information on next page regarding academic policy.

Academic honesty; QUT expects students to act honestly in assessments. The issue of plagiarism or academic dishonesty is taken seriously and students are reminded to ensure that assessments submitted represent their own work.

Please ensure that you sign the academic honesty statement on the Assignment Minder coversheet. For more information consult the QUT Academic Integrity Kit and QUT Library Resources for avoiding plagiarism.

Updated Late submission policy

Late submission policy; Assessment submitted after the due date without an approved extension will not be marked and will receive a grade of 1 or 0%.
If special circumstances prevent you from meeting the assessment due date, you can apply for an extension.
If you don’t have an approved extension you should submit the work you have completed by the due date and it will be marked against the assessment criteria.

Structure of the proposal:
?    Identify the managerial or academic benefit statement of interest
?    Provide academic evidence, and if required, real world evidence of the significance of the problem
?    Write a brief review of previous research based your articles

?    500 words maximum (not including references section)
?    Note we wont read more than 500 words
?    Your proposal should contain 10 – refereed academic journal articles for the proposal. But it is likely that you would have located more than ten so that you can decide which ones are best. One textbook is permitted.

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