Posted: September 14th, 2017

AMN445 Strategic Marketing Management/Collaborative Report & Video Summary

AMN445 Strategic Marketing Management/Collaborative Report & Video Summary

Semester 2, 2015

Assignment 1: Collaborative Report & Video Summary

Assessment Details

Purpose:    This component of assessment is designed to assess students’ ability to

critically  evaluate  an  industry  case  study,  identify  critical  factors,  and

formulate strategy-based recommendations. It is also intended to foster

collaboration skills and professional communication (written and oral).

Format:    Students will produce a written report with a short video summary. The

report is to be written using size 12 Arial or Times New Roman font with 1.5

line spacing. APA referencing is required. Please include page numbers. An

accurate word count is to be included on the cover page. Videos should be

playable in either Windows Media Player and/or Apple Quick Time.

Submission Mode:    The written report is to be submitted in electronic format using the Turnitin

facility on Blackboard. Videos may be loaded to a file sharing site (e.g.,

Dropbox; with clickable link provided on the

front page of report. Students must ensure the link is functional and the

video file accessible.

Due date/time:    Monday, 31st August, 10pm

Limits:    Written report has a word limit of 1500 words (+/-10%, excludes references).

Video should be 3-4 minutes only.

Weighting:    30% of final grade.

Individual or group:    Group

Other notes:    QUT’s standard Late Assessment Policy applies. Further details available at:



Prior to beginning: Partner with another student, or contact the class tutor to arrange a partner. The tutor must be notified once partners have been finalised, and no later than class of Week 3. Note that all students are expected to contribute equally to group assessment, and that awarded marks may differ across students within a group where this does not occur.

1.    Choose a case from those available and undertake research to learn more about it.

2.    Produce a report that addresses the issues presented in the case in relation to marketing strategy:

a.    Provide a concise overview of the current market situation.

b.    Provide a statement of the main problem, with explanation, and offer an analysis of macro and micro level issues that are relevant.
c.    Identify and justify all critical factors, explaining which are most important.

d.    Offer a set of recommendations for addressing the problem, giving your rationale with justification, and considering the critical factors identified. Include a discussion of possible advantages/disadvantages of your recommended solution. Ensure your answer coherently addresses the problem and is not just a list of independent suggestions.

e.    You will need to consult the popular and business press in researching your case. You should also review the academic peer-reviewed literature, particularly when developing your recommendations. These literatures must be cited in your work and appropriately referenced using APA referencing. Check QUT Cite|Write if you are unsure how or when to reference:

3.    Produce a short video which succinctly summarises the key elements of your report. The video should coherently convey any necessary information about the current situation, main problem, and critical factors, which leads to your recommendation. Your recommendation should also be outlined and discussed. There is no expectation that videos will be of commercial quality (i.e., recording of an in-class type presentation is fine). It is expected that videos will demonstrate students’ ability to succinctly communicate ideas in a professional manner.

4.    Submit by the due date/time. Submit only one written report (and produce only one video) per group. One person should be designated to submit, but all student names and student numbers must be listed on the submission.


Topic (choose one): Growth via new products

a)    Google Glass

In 2013 Google began selling its innovative Google Glass product to a select group of customers. It became more readily available to the US and UK publics in 2014, costing around US$1500. Google Glass represents a new development in the wearable technology sector, providing users with hands-free smart-phone type
features in a device that is worn as a headset. Despite considerable hype and excitement, Google Glass was not well-received by consumers. Besides hardware problems like short battery life, it seems people simply found it too intrusive and a little creepy. In January 2015, Google announced it was halting sales (this was a beta version). What went wrong, and what recommendations would you make if planning for a new introduction into this market?

You will need to do your own research on this case, however, as a starting point, take a look at a review by Umair Haque for the Harvard Business Review, and this story from the ABC.


Link: labs/6021992


AMN445 Assignment 1 – Criterion Referenced Assessment Marking Sheet

7    6    5    4    3-2-1    Score

10-8.5    8.5-7.5    7.5-6.5    6.5-5    5-0
20-17    17-15    15-13    13-10    9-0
Video    Your video does an excellent                    /20
job of summarising all key
elements of your case.
Recommendations are
conveyed clearly and
convincingly. Content flows
smoothly and logically.
Delivery is clear and engaging.
The manner of communication
is highly professional.

Report exceeds word count (5 marks per 100 words over limit)
Penalties    Video exceeds time limit (5 marks per 30 seconds over limit)

The standard QUT late assessment policy applies (link:

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