Posted: September 14th, 2017

an induced abortion rates in Quebec province

some aspect of Canadian Family history. This paper is designed to expand your understanding of some specific subject related to the any aspect of family life related to Canadian existence. You are required to use at least one primary source as well as extensive reading in secondary materials.

Your essay will be marked on the following criteria:
o 10% on the primary source and how it is used.
o 40% on your ability to marshal evidence and develop a sustained quality analysis of a topic
o 15% on your ability to think critically about your argument and evidence, and develop new perspectives or compare and contrast ideas.
o 20% on the organization of the paper including the clarity of the introduction and conclusion, the logic of the paper, and the coherence of the paragraphs
o 10% on the quality of the sentences, grammar, spelling, and page and paper layout.
o 5% on appropriate use and identification of quotations, references, and bibliography

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