Posted: December 3rd, 2014

Analysing Business Game

Analysing Business Game

the Assignment is based on business game called
ProSim Advanced

where there will be 4 different products
1. Football
2. Tennis
3. Drivers Helmet
4. Ice hockey stick

I suggest you to watch this video before you start login to the game link below is describing the business game

this coursework is a groupwork of 2 members each have get different role per round . there were 2 rounds done in the last 3 weeks and there will be 2 more rounds in

this assignment. in each round we have to produce a report of each role within the game.

My Role in this round is Finance Manger where my group mate will be Project Manger , my job is to Explain the human resources changes considering all the previous
rounds and their impact on the Finance results for the PRE-ROUND

Basically the purpose of this assignment is to produce a group report within a short words limit and time.

as you can see each Role has got Pre Round which indicate to our decisions based on this round and how to estimate the result out of these decision whether it will

lead to improve and increase the performance of Business Game.

<we have already made our decision for this round and the Result its already in business game since last night the system generated the result based on our decision


Post Round is actually analysing the Result which we have get out of our decision ..

{I am going to tell you what decisions we made for this Round later }

? Finance Manager

? Pre-round: Explain the human resources changes considering all the previous
rounds and their impact on the Finance results.

? Post-round: Explain the Balance, Income statement, Notes and Cash balance
sheets evolution values considering the results from the previous rounds.


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