Posted: September 16th, 2017

Analysing Consumer Based Brand Equity in the UK Retail Banking Industry. A cross analysis between a domestic and a global bank (HSBC vs Lloyds Banking Group).

Analysing Consumer Based Brand Equity in the UK Retail Banking Industry. A cross analysis between a domestic and a global bank (HSBC vs Lloyds Banking Group).

Order Description


The aim of the research is to understand and investigate the concept of brand equity from consumer?s perspectives in the retail banking industry in general and amidst personal banking services in particular in the UK by conducting a cross analysis between a domestic and a global bank (HSBC vs Lloyds Banking Group).


1- How do consumers perceive and value their relationship with HSBC and Lloyds Banking Group personal banking services in the UK?

2-What are the determinants of brand equity of retail banks based on consumers’ perceptions of personal banking services within the two banks in the UK?

3-How consumer based brand equity dimensions differ across the domestic and global bank in the UK (Lloyds Banking Group bank vs HSBC)?

Please develop the following questions based on these requirements:
-This is for a PhD level and therefore I need the work to be consistent, well developed and the most important thing critical.
-please only develop the following questions and nothing more


1- please provide a general definition of brand equity using different authors and kindly summarise it in a table. 400 WORDS ONLY

2- Identify the most relevant brand equity theories to this research 1000 WORDS ONLY

3- sources of brand equity (in general) 300 WORDS ONLY

4-sources of brand equity- a service branding model (please include three theories related to this research but mainly Berry?s 2000 model) 600 WORDS ONLY

5-please develop a theoretical framework based on the research questions and objectives cited above in 2200 WORDS – PLEASE DEVELOP THE FRAMEWORK AND EXPLAIN IT CLEARLY (TO INCLUDE POSSIBLY BERRY?S 2000 SERVICE BRANDING MODEL + BRAND EQUITY+ DECISION MAKING+ SWITCHING BARRIERS + (Anything that u judge relevant)

6- decision making (related to the research); choice criteria for selecting retail banks 400 WORDS ONLY

7-switching barriers 300 WORDS

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