Posted: September 16th, 2017

Analysing Sport & Events COURSEWORK TWO – Poster Presentation

Analysing Sport & Events
COURSEWORK TWO – Poster Presentation


Develop a research proposal on a suitable topic related to managing in the sport or events industry and prepare a poster of the proposal to present at the SEM Internal conference 14-17 April, 2015

The structure / content of the proposal should be as follows:
?    Background – describe the problem, issue(s), context of the study
?    Introduction – introduce the key concepts of the study and some indication of why the study needs to be done (rationale)
?    Research question (proposed)
?    Aims & Objectives – specify the aim(s) and objectives
?    Literature – key literature that will be important to your study, previous studies that have examined some aspect of the topic that are important to understand what you intend to investigate… indication that your focus has not been covered before
?    Methods – specific indication of how you will conduct the study, sample, data collection and analysis techniques
?    Impact / significance or implications to management – expected outcomes? Implications this study could have, who benefits from the results?

Posters should be printed in A2 (or two A3 sheets of card/paper and laminated) – this can be done in the Print Shop in the Lanchester Library (check for lead time and cost).

LAYOUT, use of COLOUR and DESIGN are up to the individual student.

Assessment Criteria

The assessment criteria is attached to this brief.

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