Posted: January 21st, 2015

Analysis of the history class in china — using cognitive frameworks to evaluate history teaching

Question:Analysis of the history class in china — using cognitive frameworks to evaluate history teaching
Attention MUST use these 3 theories:intergrated framework,SOLO  taxonomy, Mzrzano’s taxonomy

Assignment Preparation
Following an assignment preparation seminar the assignment title is negotiated individually so that it is closely related to and appropriate foryour professional

context and/or personal development.
The assignment topic will be negotiated with the module leader. The topic you choose should demonstrate that:
•    you have understood the module content
•    you can apply the content
•    you have critically appraised relevant literature, including relevant and up-to- date research literature and journal articles
You should relate your assignment to a phase of education and a country with which you are familiar.

To help you to begin to plan an outline for the module assignment:
Decide the context for your research e.g. your postgraduate programme at Leicester University; a secondary Science classroom in Saudi Arabia.; an early years setting

in Norway; an undergraduate degree programme in Hong Kong etc. Provide an overview of this context and a summary of the main content, focus or argument for your

assignment e.g. ‘Philosophy for Children: creating a Community of Inquiry in for eight year olds with challenging behaviours in Manchester’.
‘Developing Creativity: challenges for initial teacher education in Vietnam’
‘Analysis of my developing critical thinking skills in my postgraduate studies; using the Moseley at al. Integrated Framework’
Some reading tasks to help you write the literature review section
1. Read Trickey and Topping philosophy for Children: a systematic review research Papers in Education 19, 2 2004, pp 365-380
Write a one paragraph summary to contain: one quote that you feel you might use in your assignment, with appropriate references; two of the key arguments the authors

are making.
2. Begin to search the literature for relevant journal papers and other useful texts. You may wish to begin with the following journals:
Learning and Instruction
Research Papers in Education
Teaching Thinking
High Ability Studies
Educational Psychology
Thinking Skills and Creativity
Teaching in Higher Education
Search the journals and find three relevant papers that you will use in the literature review for your assignment. Note how the literature review is written in each of

those papers, how the authors compare and contrast the papers they are reviewing, and how they use references to support their arguments.
3. Use the summary proforma* to capture key information from the papers you have selected.
4. Note any related key references related to your topic in the bibliographies of those key papers.
5. Use endnote to collect key bibliographic information.
Some ideas for ways to approach the introduction, conclusion, literature review and referencing aspects of your assignment. Don’t forget that there are also resources

to help with assignment preparation on the HASS Graduate Skills Enhancement Programme Community blackboard site. Please read the edition of Learning and Teaching

Update on this blackboard siteto see examples of short and very focused papers on assessment for learning. There is an example of a case study write up. Paul Black and

David Leat’s excellent position papers on assessment are also excellent examples of how to present an argument.
Writing a good introduction
your introduction should
•    set out the aims of the assignment
•    identify the main question or issue and introduce and define the key words and terms
•    highlight major debates that lie ‘behind’ the question
•    signpost the stages of the content or the argument
•    be between 5% and 10% of the total word count
Literature review
•   compare–how one author parallels another
•  contrast–how one author’s view differs from another
•  provide examples -how one author offers an example of a concept present in the other
•  demonstrate impact -how particular approaches have contributed to significant outcomes e.g. in students’ learning, in learner engagement, in teacher engagement, in

curriculum reform, etc
In preparation for writing the literature review section
•    Select a passage that statean author’s position on thinking skills; work with a partner dealing with a different author, and determine the relationship between

the two
•    write a paragraph exploring the connection between two writers
•    share these connections with your writing partner
Using borrowed material
Your assignment should focus on your own unique argument about a subject. Therefore, use direct quotation only when
•the quotation cannot be paraphrased without distortion or loss of meaning;
•the quotation represents and emphasizes the view of an important expert;
•the words themselves are at issue in your interpretation;
•the language is unusually vivid, bold, or inventive.

Use extended direct quotations (indented quotations of four or more lines) sparingly. Instead, incorporate brief quotation into your text, and use paraphrasing and

Writing a good conclusion
Your conclusion should
•    summarise the key elements of your argument clearly and concisely
•    demonstrate how you’ve answered the question (align this with the introduction andassignment title)
•    reflect critically on the personal/professional learning you have achieved by writing the assignment e.g. what might you do differently in the future as a

result of the new knowledge, insights or understandings you have gained
•    consider whether suggestions or recommendations could be made for your specific context e.g. for improving your own metacognition and approach to problem

solving, for the development of teacher training, for improved classroom strategies, for curriculum development, resource implications etc


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